
Hearings on PC 14 concluded on 24 April 2024. The reply by Council was filed on 17 May 2024.

Further updates and information issued by the IHP will be published on this website.

Hearings were live streamed and recorded. Recordings and hearing proceedings are available on this page.

Hearing proceedings and schedules of previous hearing weeks are available on this page, along with recordings of hearings, and documents and evidence tabled and filed at hearings and providing following, and Council's reply.

Hearings in 2023 commenced on 10 October 2023, with weeks 1 to 8 concluding on 30 November 2023. Hearings in 2024, weeks 9 and 10, resumed on 15 April 2024 and concluded on 24 April 2024. 

Hearing topics and subtopics updated February 2024.

The IHP issued Hearing Procedures and Timeline (updated 22 April 2024) for the Hearings on PC 14.

Notice of Hearing 

Notice of Resumption of Hearing

Submitters and further submitters who indicated in their submission that they wished to be heard were contacted in September and November 2023, and further correspondence regarding the reconvening of hearings was sent to all submitters in 2024.  


Hearing recordings