Welcome to the website of the Independent Hearings Panel for Plan Change 14

Find out more about the proposed Housing and Business Choice Plan Change (PC14)
City Central 2

About this website

The IHP Recommendations Report on PC 14 will be submitted to the Council on 29 July 2024. A copy of the report will be published on this website on 30 July 2024. 

About this website

This is the website of the Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) appointed by the Christchurch City Council (the Council) to consider and conduct the hearing of submissions on the proposed Housing and Business Choice Plan Change (PC14) notified by the Council on 17 March 2023.

Information about PC14, including submissions and further submissions, are available on Council's website. Information relating to the IHP, evidence and hearings is available on this website.

Hearings on PC 14 commenced in October 2023 and concluded on 24 April 2024. Hearing proceedings, recordings, filed and tabled documents and submitter responses to IHP requests are available on the Hearings page of this website. 

The Council Reply was filed on 17 May 2024, attachments are available on the Hearings page. The IHP will deliver its report and recommendations on PC14, pursuant to Part 5, subpart 5A and Part 6 of Schedule 1, of the Resource Management Act 1991 on 29 July 2024.

The IHP issued Hearing Procedures in August 2023 and a Hearing Topics and Subtopics Schedule (updated February 2024) for the hearings. The schedule was amended to reflect that some topics initially scheduled for 2024 were heard in earlier weeks of the hearings. Hearings schedules, hearing proceedings and tabled documents are available on the Hearings page on this website.

The IHP held a Pre-hearing Meeting for Council, submitters and further submitters on 1 August 2023 to consider procedural matters relating to PC 14 hearings. 

The Council section 42 reports, Council evidence in chief and submitter expert evidence is published on the Evidence page. 


17 March 2023

Proposed Housing and Business Choice Plan Change notified by Christchurch City Council

17 March to 12 May 2023

Notification and submission period

June and July 2023

Summary of submissions and further submissions period

1 August 2023

Pre-hearing meeting (procedural matters)

October and November 2023

IHP hearings weeks 1 to 8

April 2024

IHP hearings weeks 9 and 10

29 July 2024

IHP Recommendations Report delivered to Council